
Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus, Volume 3: Messianic Prophecy Objections is unavailable, but you can change that!

“The Torah doesn’t speak of Jesus at all.” “You’re completely misinterpreting Isaiah. This verse has absolutely nothing to do with your Jesus. It’s not even a messianic prophecy.” “As for the real messianic prophecies, Jesus fulfilled none of them.” These are some objections raised by Jews regarding Jesus as the Messiah. Using the Hebrew Bible, rabbinic texts, and the New Testament, Dr. Brown...

the exile. But the context is larger—beginning in Isaiah 40. It spells a new beginning for Israel, a new creation and a new exodus, a time when all the world will ultimately see the glory of the Lord. The events predicted in Isaiah 53 are far greater than the return of about forty-five thousand Jews from Babylon in the sixth century B.C.E. Rather, in these passages in Isaiah, the exile serves as a symbol of the spiritual bondage of the Jewish people, while the return from exile serves as a figure
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